
Common Decoders

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A minimal typescript schema library for runtime validations.

Write your type definitions once and get both types and runtime validation checks. Decoders are light-weight, composable, and follow functional programming patterns.


npm install --save common-decoders

# Yarn
yarn add common-decoders


  • Typescript >= 4.7
  • Node >= 16

Basic Usage


import * as D from 'common-decoders';

const IdentifableDecoder = D.object({
id: D.number,

const DogDecoder = D.object({
type: D.literal('dog'),
name: D.string,

const CatDecoder = D.object({
type: D.literal('cat'),

const AnimalDecoder = D.union([
D.intersection([DogDecoder, CatDecoder]),

type Animal = D.Infer<typeof AnimalDecoder>;


Full documentation is available here.

Or can be built locally by running: yarn docs;

ESM or CJS Imports

TL;DR; prefer ESM

This library supports both commonjs and modern es modules. However, it is more ergonomic for ESM usage.

Importing with tsconfig compilation option for moduleResolution set to nodenext | node16:

import * as D from 'common-decoders';
import { isOk, isFailure, map, pipe } from 'common-decoders/utils';

Or with moduleResolution set to node:

import * as D from 'common-decoders';
import { isOk, isFailure, map, pipe } from 'common-decoders/dist/cjs/utils';

Prior art:

This is not a new problem nor a particularly unique solution. The aim of this library is to build on previous work, while being super small, simple to use, and functional in style.

For more mature and comprehensive approaches - have a look at:

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